"I was initially attracted to BioPharma Consultants’ solid track record and the quality of their contacts in our industry. We’ve perhaps benefited most from the widely diverse perspectives the firm brings — big business vs. entrepreneurial, technical vs. marketing, conservative vs. untraditional."
- VP of Corporate Development,
“Development-Stage Pharmaceutical Company, USA”

"BioPharma Consultants immediately built the trust and credibility that allowed me to feel comfortable letting go of their piece of the project. It sounds cliché, but their counsel and support really helped give me the peace of mind to sleep at night."
- Director of Global E-Business Marketing, “Leading Global Pharmaceutical Company”

"Leisa Dennehy combines rarely seen qualities — a powerful, questioning intellect, the ability to translate the ideas she uncovers into hard-hitting action and an interpersonal style that enthusiastically draws people together."
Director of Strategic Planning at Paling Walters TARGIS, London

"CEOs need trusted, objective sounding boards who can identify first-hand with trade-offs executives experience in balancing the needs of investors customers, employees and their own personal lives. BioPharma Consultants can always directly relate to my experiences and provide sound insights and solutions that cut to the heart of my issues."
- Chairman, Early-stage pharmaceutical development company
Marketing, strategy and corporate development services and interim staffing for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies worldwide

“Consumers are inundated with ads, so it’s vital that your ad catches the eye and immediately grabs interest. You could do this with a headline or slogan."
Rebecca West
"A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers."
David Howard
unsplash.comBiotechnology and Pharmaceutical
- Apothogen
Affinium Pharmaceuticals (Canada)
Axcan Pharmaceuticals(Canada)
Debiopharm (Switzerland)
Galleon Pharmaceuticals
Glaxo, Inc.
Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.
Glaxo Wellcome plc(UK/global)
Glaxo SmithKline, Inc.
Grifols Inc
Ironshore Pharmaceuticals Inc
Karos PharmaceuticalsInc.
KEJ Pharmaceuticals
Maabarot (Israel) - Micu Rx Inc. (China)
Neuromed Development Inc
Nobelex Pharmaceuticals (Canada)
Oriel Therapeutics
Oxford Glyco Sciences Plc(UK)
Peninsula Pharmaceuticals
Protez Pharmaceuticals
Procter & Gamble Company
Reliant Pharmaceuticals
Rhamnopharma Inc
SmithKline Beecham
Shire Pharmaceuticals
Spherix, Inc.
Synthon Pharmaceuticals (Netherlands)
Talecris Inc
United Therapeutics
KEJ Pharmaceuticals
Oriel Therapeutics
Oxford Glyco Sciences Plc (UK)
Peninsula Pharmaceuticals
Protez Pharmaceuticals
The Procter & Gamble Company
SmithKline Beecham
Shire Pharmaceuticals
Synthon Pharmaceuticals

Device and Diagnostic Companies
Chemoglo LLC
Invitrox Inc.

Information Technology
“Information Technology BioSignia Pharmaceutical Technology Group"

Venture Capital, Investment Bankers and Financial Institutions
J.P. Morgan Partners
Perseus Soros
Thomas, Knight, Trent,King & Company

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